July 22, 2009

Getting started...

Bueno! I've created this blog to keep everyone updated on my upcoming adventures in Spain. I leave on August 19th out of LAX at 8am. I will arrive in Madrid on August 20th at 11am. From Madrid my best friend Jill (who is studying abroad with the same program as I am) and I are flying to Italy. We are going to spend a week traveling around Italy (the plan so far is Chinque Terre and Florence!). On August 27th we will be flying back to Madrid where we meet our fellow international students and program directors. Then it is off to Granada for what I know will be the best semester of my college experience :-) Hope you all enjoy seeing pictures and hearing about my experiences in Spain! Nos vemos!


  1. oh smellen you forgot to mention how your other best friend Deanna will be at home in tears missing you terribly! ha but really your gonna have so much fun i'm so excited for you you deserve it all!

  2. Hey Elena,
    Don't like the nick-name, smellen, that Deanna used. I have one given to me by a friend that I'm willing to share with you; it's Swellen, so that makes you Swellen2 or minnie-swellen. But, Deanna was right about one thing; you do deserve it all. You make me proud minnie-me. Have a swell time on your adventure.

  3. aww thanks Auntie El! I love the nickname Swellen! haha Deanna nicknamed me Smellen years ago, but maybe I can convince her to change it to minnie-Swellen! :-) Miss you mega-me!

  4. It was great seeing you yesterday, have the time of your life on your new adventure, can't wait to see all the pictures and hear your stories. Love you,be safe
