November 8, 2009

Morocco!! Day 6

November 4th
We woke up early and packed up to head back to Spain! We spent most of the day on the bus (about 10 hours). The bus ride was not bad though, because we watched a lot of movies and joked around with our directors the whole ride. Everything was going smoothly until the very tail end of the ride home. We were about 1 mile away from crossing the border back into Spanish territory when our bus broke down! We all had to evacuate the bus and grab our luggage because it was smoking. Thankfully, the other two programs (from Madrid and Sevilla) had two other buses that were ahead of us. They came back to get us and we all piled in the two buses to get across the border and to the ferry in time. Our poor bus driver had to stay behind with the bus. In the midst of all this chaos my roommate Jill and I both started to feel really ill. In addition, our main director Eugenio got his really nice camera (with all the pictures he usually turns into a dvd for us) and ipod stolen when our bus broke down. We all felt so bad for him. After getting off the ferry and heading to our new bus, I began to get really sick. Thankfully we only had three hours left on the bus to get back to Granada, but that felt like eternity. I will spare you the details, but I was very sick. Our directors were really nice and comforting and stayed by me the whole time. My roommate Jill was getting very sick as well. By the time we got back to Granada I had such a high fever and was so dehydrated, that they had to take me straight to the hospital. After an IV with pain medication for my stomach cramping and water, I began to feel a little better. My blood work came back fine. The doctor told me that I had gastroenteritis, or an infection in my stomach. They gave me medicine to take and sent me home. When I got home Jill was still very sick. She went to the doctor the next day and got the same medicine as I did. I am very thankful that I didn’t get sick until the very tail end of the trip because I had the most amazing experience of my life in Morocco. However, it does stink that Jill and I have to be in bed all weekend because it is one of our last weekends in Granada! We have the next four weekends planned with trips!

Overall this trip was more than I imagined it to be, it was a once in a lifetime experience! I hope that you enjoyed reading about my trip to Morocco! Love and miss you all!

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