December 1, 2009

Feliz Día del Pavo :-) gobble gobble

I know this is a little late, but HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey Day (or Día del Pavo hehe)! Although I really missed being with my family and friends on Thanksgiving, I had a wonderful time experiencing a very unique Turkey Day in Spain. The directors of our program organized a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant for all of the students. They know how much we love eating turkey on Thanksgiving, so they rented out a whole restaurant and asked them to make us turkey and mashed potatoes. Of course it cannot compare to my mom's amazing Thanksgiving dinners, but it was still a great time! One of my friends, Sherman, is an opera singer and he performed a few lovely songs for us. It was truly a great time! Here are some pictures from the night!

Amigos! Sherman (the performer!), Kate and Melissa

One of our directors Manolo, Kate & Melissa

A very unique Thanksgiving dinner :)

Two of my directors, Marisa & Noelia...& mis amigas!

In front of the ISA (International Studies Abroad) office before dinner

Two of my favorite directors, Marissa and Noelia

Two of my good friends, Melissa (from Colorado) and Randall (from New Jersey)

Jill & I with all the directors at Thanksgiving dinner!

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