December 11, 2009

Road Trip!! Cadiz, Gibraltar & Tarifa

Last weekend was awesome!! My friends Melissa, Nicole, Sherman, Jill and I rented a car and went on a road trip through southern Spain. We stopped in Gibraltar on the first day, which was beautiful :) Gibraltar is a very small British territory, so we parked the car on the Spanish side and walked across the border. Once in Gibraltar, I felt as though I was in England and Spain at the same time...very neat! We stumbled upon a fun tour guide company that drove us up to the top of the little mountain in Gibraltar, where we were able to hold the monkeys! The monkey experience was really fun, they are very feisty haha. We also went to St. Michaels Caves, which were awesome caves that felt like they went on forever. There was an awesome lookout point where you could see the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Mediterranean on the other.

After spending an afternoon walking around Gibraltar, we continued on our way towards Cadiz. We stayed in a small beach town called Conil de la Frontera, which is really close to Cadiz. We rented an apartment, which worked out perfectly because it was cheap and we could cook our own meals for once :) We spent a whole day walking around Cadiz, which is a gorgeous city with so much character. We walked all along the beach and had so much fun finding our way around the city. On the third day, we headed back towards Granada and stopped in Tarifa on the way home. Tarifa is a small city that has landmark of the lowest point in Europe. You can also see Africa perfectly from Tarifa, which was incredible. It felt so surreal knowing that we were just there last month in Morocco! Overall, the road trip was an incredible experience filled with many memories I will never forget! Below are some pictures from the trip!

Can't wait to see everyone! I will be home in exactly one week! It is so crazy how fast this experience has gone by, I really feel like I was just leaving yesterday. There are no words to explain what an amazing time I have had living in Granada and traveling. I have learned so much about myself and the world, it has truly been an unforgettable experience. Thank you to everyone who helped make this dream of mine a reality! xoxox

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