August 27, 2009

Italy pictures!

Florence: Ponte Vecchio, a famous bridge in Italy...beautiful!

Florence: View from Piazza can see all of Florence!

Florence: Inside the Duomo Cathedral

Florence: View of the city from the top of the Duomo!

Florence: Paintings inside the Duomo

A kitty cat that adopted our room in Cinque Terre....most cats don't have permanent homes, but just roam from house to house in Cinque Terre. It looked like my kitty Lilly!

Cinque Terre: a bridge in Manarola, the city we stayed in...such a peaceful place!

Cinque Terre: view from the balcony of our room...if you face the other way, there is a beautiful view of the ocean!!

Arriving in Cinque Terre!! It was really hot walking to our city with those backpacks on!

A view from the hike we went on between two of the Cinque Terre cities

Jill and I on our balcony in Cinque Terre before dinner :)

Arriving in Cinque Terre...walking to our city Manarola

Walking to the train station in the statue of Christopher Colombus. The beginning of our Italy trip!

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