September 17, 2009

Hike in the Sierra Nevadas

Last Friday we went for a hike in the Sierra Nevada mountains with one of our directors. It was absolutely gorgeous! Our director's name is Christian but everyone calls him "titi" (it sounds a lot different in Spanish than the way we would pronounce it in English haha). He is really funny, especially when he tries to crack a joke in English with his British accent. Anywho, we hiked for about six hours through the mountains and stopped near a beautiful waterfall for almuerzo (lunch). Our host Mom, Mary, packed Jill and I a "bocadillo," which means sandwich. Of course it was a ham sandwich...haha I swear that's all they eat here. We were really lucky because last Friday was probably the last day of sun, it has been raining since Saturday! We saw some mountain goats on the way up which was fun! At first I thought they were deer from far away, but I was quickly corrected by "titi". The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking. The sky was crystal blue with beautiful clouds. There were a lot of pomegranate trees on the way up (Granada means pomegranate, hence the abundance of pomegranate trees here)! Here are some pictures from the hike :)

My friend Sherman and I on one of the many suspension bridges!

Where we stopped for lunch, beautiful!

Our director, "titi", pointing to the sign at the beginning of the hike

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