September 27, 2009


Last Wednesday our program, ISA (International Studies Abroad) set up our first intercambio! An intercambio is where you meet up with a Spaniard who wants to learn English and you practice both languages. Our program sets up the first meeting, then it's our job to exchange numbers or emails with as many Spaniards as we can so we can practice speaking as much as possible! There were about 40 American students and 20 Spanish students on Wednesday. We went to a really neat teteria, an Arabic tea cafe. Jill and I just happened to sit next to these two guys who we ended up having a lot in common with. Their names are Fernando and Alejandro. They have both graduated from the University of Granada already with degrees in Engineering. Fernando was a Computer Engineering major and Alejandro was a Mechanical Engineering major. They both enjoy doing "outdoorsy" stuff, such as running, hiking, mountain biking, skiing etc. Jill and I were really excited to meet people who like doing "outdoorsy" activities because we haven't met many people who do. They are both really nice and really eager to learn more English. They both speak English very well, they are almost fluent. It makes it easy for us because when we forget a word in Spanish we can just say it in English and they know the translation! We usually have conversations in English and Spanish, we just switch languages whenever.

Since Wednesday we have gone out with them two times. Fernando introduced us to some of his friends and we went out for tapas on Friday night. Fernando lives very close to us (on the outskirts of town) so every time we have gone out at night he walks us home to make sure we get there safely...very sweet! I have already learned so much from them, even an awesome little shortcut on the way home from the center of the city! I have learned more about Granada, Spain and the Spanish culture in the last few times we've spent time with them, than I have the whole month I have been living with my host family! Last night we went to another teteria (Arabic tea cafe) that had an amazing view of La Alhambra, which is beautifully illuminated at night. After having tea we went to a plaza in Granada which was hosting a chocolate fair! We ate crepes with homemade chocolate...yummy! Then we met up with some of their friends and we went to a popular pizza place in Granada. They are really fun people, I can tell I am going to learn a lot from them! Here are some pics:

Fernando, me and Alejandro at the choclate fair!

The chocolate fair :)

Eating pizza with Fernando (aka "Fern")

Jill, Fernando and I at a tapas place

Fernando's group

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